Sunday, March 23, 2014

Spring It On!

Time to do my Happy Dance!  Signs of Spring are popping up around our lake.
The daffodils are peeking out of the ground, The ferns are waking up in the woods, the lake has defrosted and the water-skiers are out!

Spring brings plenty of opportunities to celebrate!  The backdrop Spring provides is so inspiring!  Flower arrangements, door decor,  party menus and table settings….I'm thinking Girlfriend lunch,  Easter Brunch, ready for a Spring Soire!

All I bought was the ribbon!

Mix and Match Soft Spring Colors 

A Tisket,  A Tasket, Who Doesn't Love A Basket?

Embrace your spontaneity!  Keep it simple with splashes of spring, using soft pastel colored tableware, grocery store bouquets, and gathering items in your home that sing Spring!
Showcase the season's best flavors with your menu selections.  Asparagus, Artichokes, Fresh Herbs and Greens, Lemons and Strawberries will help you savor the taste of Spring!

Lemony Asparagus
serves 4-6
3T Olive Oil
11/2 pounds fresh Asparagus, trimmed
1/4 C white balsamic vinegar
2 T fresh Lemon juice
1 T minced garlic
3/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp ground black pepper

Heat olive oil over med-hi heat, add asparagus, cook 2-3 minutes, stirring constantly
Add vinegar, lemon juice and salt/pepper
Stir constantly for 2 min or until crisp tender.
Garnish with lemon zest and lemon slices

Bliss Bellini
serves 2
8 oz chilled Champagne
4 oz chilled Peach Nectar
1 ounce Vodka
1 ounce Peach Schnapps

combine and stir gently in a 2-Cup glass measuring cup

Color Me Happy!  It's Time to Celebrate!  
Cheers To Spring!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the Doll cake Aunt Dora made you! Love your blog!