Sunday, March 16, 2014

Ready to Chill?

I enjoy a glass of wine as much as the next person.  My taste in wine is not sophisticated.  Let's call it casual and comfortable….and affordable!  I select my wines based on the the visual appeal of the bottle and/or label!  If it tastes good, it's a bonus! 

The priority is that it coordinates with my party theme.
Living out in the country and on a lake, allows me the opportunity to entertain and uncork more than my share of wine bottles.A bottle, or two, of white wine is always chilling in the ever present ice chest.  The warm summer and a chilled bottle of white wine are a perfect match.  We do not discriminate against red wine…it's great in a pitcher of Sangria!  A bottle of Gamay Rouge has found it's way down to the beach for a Marshmallow Roast on more than a few cool summer evenings.

I have a love of crafting and have incorporated a few wine themed crafts into my home decor.
turn wine glasses upside down and fill with corks and top with a candle!

glue gun and corks and a styrofoam wreath!

add lights inside bottomless wine bottles

Fourth of July wine decor

 These crafty projects are on my "to do" list!
I have the corks and the barrel, just need to do it!

wish I saved my son's cowboy boots all those years ago!
For more crafty inspiration, please check out  Hope some of these ideas have inspired you to uncork a bottle and let your creativity flow!

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