Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Fat Tuesday and My Birthday on the same day? Let The Good Times Roll!

This year I share my birthday with the Mardi Gras celebration known as #Fat Tuesday.  Seems cruel, doesn't it?  Or, I could look at it as permission to celebrate BIG on my birthday! 
I will embrace the saying made popular by the Louisiana French, "Laissez Les Bon Temps Rouler!"  Translation:  "Let The Good Times Roll!"
I have always wanted to visit New Orleans, aka, "The Big Easy."  My first stop would be the Cafe Du Monde, for a cup of coffee and a few beignets.  A tour of the mysterious, charming city on a horse drawn carriage would be next on my itinerary.  Then back to the hotel to rest up for a fun filled night!  A Hurricane Cocktail, or two, some spicy jambalaya and I'd be ready for a parade through the French Quarter!  This is my kind of party town!  Why have I not visited yet?  (sigh)
My first experience with Mardi Gras was in grad school.  My site supervisor was from Louisiana and she invited me to her home for a Mardi Gras Party.  It was an evening I will never forget.  I loved the jambalaya, the decorative masks, the infectious music and the King Cake, which was not only delicious but a lesson in tradition.  The cake is made in the round and a tiny baby doll is hidden inside.  If you find the baby doll in your slice of cake it is said you will have a year of good luck and it is your duty to bring the King Cake to next year's party.  This year I will attempt to make my own King Cake and spicy Jambalaya.  New Orleans has a reputation for great cocktails, and my favorite is the #Hurricane.  I hosted a Mardi Gras Game Night a few years ago and served this cocktail that lives up to it's name!

Hurricane Cocktail
Serves 8
16 oz dark rum
16 oz light rum
16 oz passion fruit juice
4 oz fresh lime juice
8 oz orange juice
8 Tablespoons grenadine
ice cubes
8 slices of orange
16 cherries
1.  Pour all ingredients except orange slices and cherries into a shaker with ice.  Shake well.
2.  Strain the mixture over ice cubes into Hurricane glasses.
3.  Garnish with orange slices and cherries.
Let The Good Times Roll!


Unknown said...

Love your post! Thanks for sharing so much of your personal fun and creativity. The Mardi Gras itinerary I'd love to experience.

Unknown said...

Thank you, Thank you!! I hope you continue to enjoy my blog!