Friday, April 18, 2014

Secrets for Smart Shoppers

I love shopping online and have a couple #money-saving #secrets to share with y'all.
The first "secret"  was discovered accidentally, while shopping at an online store, happily adding things to my cart.  I was pulled away from my fave activity and had to log out before my purchase was completed.  The following day I received an email reminding me that my items were still in my cart awaiting purchase.  Two days later, I received an incentive to complete my purchase!  The site sent me a 20% discount plus Free Shipping!  Of course, that "roped me in!"  I logged in and "wrangled in" my shopping cart and took advantage of the offer!    After this experience, I tried "abandoning" my shopping cart on other sites…..and it worked!  These stores don't want to lose your business!  They track those abandoned shopping carts and want you to leave a happy customer!
Country Outfitter, Frontgate, Pottery Barn and Amazon are several that I see as I scroll through my iPhone emails…awaiting me to return and rescue those shopping carts.
A fave site I highly recommend before making a purchases online is  Enter the name of the store in the search bar and all the discount codes and free shipping offers will pop up!  Country Outfitter offers up to 70% off select items - and, let's face it, ALL their items are awesome!  Along with Free Shipping on orders over $49…and who goes online and spends less than that at a quality leather boot shop?!
Also, for all you night owls, online discounts are steeper late at night!  Next time you can't sleep, test this out at your favorite online stores!
Get out in Cyberspace and "wrangle" up some discounts!
Happy Shipping…I mean Shopping ;)

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