Saturday, July 12, 2014

A Girlfriends Picnic Lunch!

Girlfriend get-togethers are fun and relaxing.  You don't have to spend hours in the kitchen.  It's really about visiting, snacking, sharing and lots of laughing.

I am truly blessed to have a a wonderful circle of friends.  The topics discussed, stories shared and the encouraging words reminded me that we need to gather more often.
In 3 wonderful hours together we enjoyed food and wine as we discussed family, friends, work, vacations, struggles and joys of life.

I love bringing my friends together and enjoyed planning this picnic.  It isn't hard to do!  Provide the space, a date, a simple menu, an open heart, 5 or more girlfriends and a little undistracted time.  It's what hospitality is all about.
For my summer picnic on the lake, I invited 5 special girlfriends.  I prepared individual "picnic baskets" that included chicken salad croissant sandwiches, pasta salad, fresh strawberries, cheesecake and wine.  I layed out a few picnic blankets, some pillows, and a wine bucket.
 My friends brought wine, chocolate and a beautiful assortment of cheeses, crackers, cherries and pistachios…did I mention that my friends are amazing??
 Good Food, Good Wine, Good Friends and a beautiful day on the lake….3 hours passed too quickly.
Remember, friends are a blessing, and making the time to connect with them is an expression of love.

Keep Calm and Picnic On!
More Fun Picnic Ideas…
Flip-Flop Cookies!  Milano Cookies with a little icing and some fun candy decor…took literally 15 minutes to make a plateful of playful picnic treats.

watermelon pizza!  Slice on the round, add fruit toppings of choice and slice it up!  Who doesn't love pizza?

Lemon Water and a Bowl of Cherries are refreshing on a hot summer's day and a great way to kick off a picnic!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am still so bummed I missed this day! After vaca - we'll have to plan another one and the kids will be in school! ;) Love you my friend!!!!! <3